Change in Distribution Connection Process Practices

Change in Distribution Connection Process Practices


As of 20.01.2020, changes will be made in the Distribution Connection Process (internal installation projects, connection opinions, preference forms, connection line projects, distribution connection agreements) practices in our Company's distribution activity and responsibility area.

The workflow in the new process will be as follows.

1. As of 20.01.2020, the Distribution Connection Process will be carried out through the Distribution Connection System "".

2. You can access the system from the "Online Services" heading on our home page or via the link

3. Passwords have been sent via SMS to all plumbers and engineers registered in our Customer Information System in 2019, and they will be able to make their own update applications for 2020 through the system.

4. Plumbers and engineers who have not received their password or who want to register in our system for the first time in 2020 will petition our businesses with their documents for plumber registration. After the registration process is completed, a password will be sent to them via SMS. Their petitions must include ID photocopies, technical documents for 2020, mobile phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

5. The processes after the connection opinion of those who applied for the connection opinion until 19.01.2020 (preference form, connection line project and distribution connection agreement) will continue in the current order.

6. As of 20.01.2020, no petitions will be received from our businesses for internal installation projects and connection opinions, and all applications will be carried out through the Distribution Connection System software.

7. All applications in the Distribution Connection Process (internal installation projects, connection opinions, preference forms, connection line projects, distribution connection agreements) will be carried out by authorized electrical installers and project designers.

8. You can view the process documents of the Workflow, process announcements and user manual videos from the home page after entering the Distribution Connection System with your password.

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